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Saint John's Bible

Prophets Saint Johns Bible

Jackson, Donald
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Prophets Saint Johns Bible

Product Description

Prophets is the fourth volume of the full-color reproduction books of The Saint John’s Bible, featuring some of the most beautiful passages in all of Sacred Scripture.  The prophetic message is as relevant today as it was in ancient Israel. The prophets continue to call us to respond to God’s love and offer their unvarnished judgment on our behavior. Jackson’s images amplify the prophetic word, keeping the flame of hope alive today. Prophets includes artistic depictions from Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Micah, Amos, Daniel, and Zechariah. Major images are Isaiah’s Temple Vision and Suffering Servant, Ezekiel’s Call and the Valley of the Dry Bones, Daniel’s Son of Man, Amos’ Plea for Social Justice, and Zechariah’s Messianic Prediction.


